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    Permanent Antistatic Additives – All You Need to Know

    Before we touch on Permanent Antistatic Additives, let’s first talk about the static qualities of plastic. Static is an unwanted phenomenon across many air humidity levels. Mostly, it occurs in various plastic products throughout the packaging process. Antistatic additives for plastics can be combined in order to solve the static problem. They are able to do that by using migrating molecules that actually draw water molecules from the air. The permanent antistatic additives can fit a very wide range of humidity levels. It basically blocks the static phenomenon altogether, allowing the product to be manufactured at the highest quality level possible.

    So what benefits do permanent antistatic additives hold? What are the regulations and how do they improve the manufacturing process? All the answers are here.

    What are additives for plastic in general?

    Additives for plastic are substances added in order to modify the properties of a polymer. The main purpose the permanent antistatic additives is basically to combine certain important qualities with the basic polymer. They are absolutely essential when it comes to making the product more sustainable and reach a higher quality level, for the end purpose it is meant to serve.

    How do permanent antistatic additives work?

    Permanent anti-static additives are also known as non-migrating additives. The way they work, is by binding to the polymer matrix. Due to this quality, the additives do not move or migrate through or out of the plastic substance. Permanent antistatic additives are based on a co-continuous ion conductive polymer phase. Ions are actually acting as charge carriers within the additive itself. They dissipate the static by making the charges completely mobile.

    What benefits do permanent antistatic additives hold?

    Now, let’s talk about some of the benefits that including permanent antistatic additives in different products withholds. They can be combined with an endless variety of products, throughout various industries. By combining them, the quality of the final product can be highly upgraded. So how do they actually help?

    Reduction of static accumulation

    Permanent antistatic additives are capable of reducing static accumulation by maintaining resistance at relatively low humidity levels. 12-15%, to pe precise. They are able to do that with no release or any migratory effect of the antistatic agent onto the packaged content.

    Another important fact to keep in mind, is that permanent antistatic additives can be used in a wide variety of applications and conditions, in order to reduce static build up. Amongst them, they can cause a permanent reduction of dust attraction in automotive and household applications; they reduce the risk of shocks, fire and explosions in explosive atmospheres; create electrostatic protection areas (EPAs) for the manufacture of electronics, and more.

    Permanent additives

    Just as their name suggests, the antistatic additives are permanent. Meaning, they are capable of maintains static dissipative properties throughout the entire life cycle of the product. Due to the fact the antistatic polymers are permanent and non-migratory, they are able to make the final product more efficient and sustainable.

    They form an immediate, continuous non-fugitive network within the host polymer structure. As a result, the antistatic blend is largely independent of relative ambient humidity conditions.

    Can be added to various products

    Static dissipative properties are maintained in low relative humidity and specific industrial environments. Due to this benefit, they can be added basically to any product, across a large variety of industries.

    Highly consistent

    Static dissipative properties are maintained and stable even in very thin layers. They have 0 hot spots and are extremely consistent. Moreover, the use of permanent antistatic additives is enabled in a wide variety of engineering polymers.

    What are the regulations for permanent antistatic additives?

    The manufacturing process of additives is closely monitored and regulated globally. A wide range of industries have their own standards and regulations regarding the usage of permanent antistatic additives in their products. Moreover, another important fact regarding the regulation status, is that the FDA has cleared permanent antistatic additives for use in food contact applications. Making the additives highly and strictly regulated, while being safe to use across different industries around the world. The material is also being used in packaging for powdered pharmaceutical products. It meets European regulations limiting the migration of antistatic agents from a host package or film.

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