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    Flame Retardant for Plastics: The Right Additive for Fire Prevention

    Most people aren’t aware of this, but many plastic products contain advanced flame retardant qualities, which are added during the manufacturing process.  

    In this article, we will delve into the subject of flame retardant additives for plastics . As a global additive and color  masterbatch manufacturer, Tosaf prides itself on its wide assortment of flame retardants for plastics. If you want to know more about flame retardant additives, we would be happy to supply you with more information. Please contact Tosaf FR.

    Flame Retardant for Plastics: A General Definition

    A flame retardant is an additive that is added to raw polymers during the manufacturing process, in order to provide the manufactured component or product with qualities that prevent potential flames from spreading.

    The reason for incorporating flame retardant additives into polymers, is to ensure that specific products will be safer to use from a fire standpoint. When exposed to a spark or a flame, the products’ flame retardant qualities will prevent the flame from “catching on” and will hinder further ignition. This is considered essential in products that contain electrical components, or for products made for small children.

    Flame Retardant Regulations and Standards

    When it comes to flame retardants, strict regulations have been instilled for decades. Today, every flame retardant for plastics must adhere to legal and safety standards in that help keep individuals, animals and the global environment better protected.

    At Tosaf, we meet all the necessary regulations – including the most recent ones that were placed into effect in recent years – and manufacture both halogen-based and halogen-free flame retardant additives that comply with flammability standards such as EN 50642, EN 61386-1, IEC 60695-2-11, UL94 5VA, FEC c60695-11-5 and many others. Our innovative R&D team uses different ingredients and formulas to create the most advanced flame retardant additives that are safer than ever before – and exhibit extremely high-performance.

    Tosaf is a leading flame retardants manufacturer. We service a wide range of industries that rely on plastic components and products. Here are a few examples:

    • Electric: Many electric coils, applications and components are coated with plastic or come in contact with plastic. Due to the nature of electronics – namely that they are connected to live electricity – it is important for the plastic that surrounds them to exhibit flame retardant qualities that can hinder fire and flames.
    • Building and Construction: Many applications in the construction industry incorporate plastics, and require flame retardant qualities to increase safety. For example, many companies and contractors use construction sheets, which are made of polypropelene and are kept in construction sites. Making construction sheets that are not flammable is a top priority.

    Is there a certain flame retardant additive that Tosaf would like to showcase?

    Yes. In fact, there are many, but in this article, we would like to showcase our HBCD-Free Flame Retardant Masterbatch, which is intended for extruded foam polystyrene used extensively in the building and construction industry, especially for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications. The masterbatch fits polymer-based products that are made from recycled materials, thus making it environment-friendly. This masterbatch is formulated in accordance with the client’s needs and requirements, and exhibits high thermal stability and no effect on processability. It’s a great example of Tosaf’s advanced capabilities in the FR additives field.

    What are the additional benefits of Tosaf’s flame retardant additives?

    There are many. Our flame retardant additives are engineered to reduce polymer melting, They are also characterized by high thermal stability and high performance. Their effect on product transparency and its process ability is extremely minimal. And last but definitely not least, our additives are suitable for products that are made from recycled materials, and that are designated for recycling.

    What else makes Tosaf’s flame retardant service so unique?

    Our tailor-made solutions, which are designed for our clients’ specific requirements. We engage in dialogue with each of our clients, in order to understand their needs and advise them on the current legal and safety regulations in their industry. We can then recommend a specific FR solution that will address their needs, or formulate and manufacture a brand-new flame retardant for plastics – just for them and their products.

    Does Tosaf manufacture other additives with preventative qualities?

    Of course. There’s our slip additive, which is essential for food packaging, as it helps prevent production film from sticking together and from “over slipping”. Our anti-static additive reduces static by attracting airborne water molecules – and performs very well in all humidity conditions. Our anti-fog additives reduce the fogginess that can normally be found on a wide range of refrigerated packaging and in greenhouses, due to drop formation. And our UV stabilizers block and dissipate UV radiation, thus preventing it from damaging plastic products. These are just a few examples – you are welcome to visit the “solutions” section on our website for a comprehensive glance.

    Need more information? Wish to consult with a leading flame retardant supplier? The Tosaf team is standing by, and will be happy to be of service to you and your staff. Feel free to give us a call. You can also send us an email, and we will respond ASAP.

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