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    Additives for Plastic: Making Polymers Better

    Tosaf manufactures many additives for plastic, which are making an impact across a wide range of industries. There are many types of additives for plastic, and every additive category contains multiple solutions. 

    In this article, our goal is to describe the world of additives for plastic, and to describe the most common and helpful additives in the market. As a global manufacturer of additives and masterbatches, Tosaf has a wealth of knowledge and is at the forefront of this industry. If this article encourages you to learn more about additives in plastic, you can contact Tosaf Additives. We will be more than happy to provide you with additional information.

    What are Additives for Plastic?

    Additives for plastic are substances added to modify a polymer’s properties. The purpose of additives is to add certain important qualities to the polymer, which are essential to making the product more durable, sustainable, or helpful to the end consumer.

    The best way to describe plastic additives is to provide a few examples:

    • Anti-Fog: Anti-fog additives for plastics are manufactured in order to provide plastic products with better transparency and appearance. This is especially important in the packaging and agricultural industries as many film-based plastics products accumulate moisture that generate “fogginess” that should be avoided. For example, the formation of drops on greenhouse plastic may reduce the light that impacts crops, thus impairing crop cultivation. Tosaf’s anti-fog additives are the perfect solution to this common problem, and many others as well.
    • Flame Retardants: Flame retardant additives for plastics are crucial in making plastic components and products safer for use. When exposed to heat or fire, the plastic’s flame retardant properties will hinder and depress the flames. The incorporation of flame retardant additives is a must in many industries, especially in industries that manufacture products that contain both plastic and electrical components, such as the automotive and the electric appliance industries.
    • Anti-Viral: In the age of COVID-19, many manufacturers are understanding the benefits of antiviral additives for plastics – and Tosaf is one of them. Tosat’s R&D team has formulated an innovative antiviral additive that can be added to plastic mask and disposable medical products. This cutting-edge additive helps prevent medical teams – and anyone else – from coming into contact with virus particles that land and remain on the surface of wearable products.
    • Anti-Block: Blocking is a common problem for many plastic film products that are rolled together and therefore “stick” to one another. Anti-block additives for plastics are designed to prevent this blocking phenomenon. That said, many anti-block additives get the work done, but can potentially harm product transparency and decrease product efficiency. Tosaf’s anti-block additives, however, are the ultimate solution: they come with refractive qualities that closely resemble the polymer that they are intended for – and therefore take anti-block efficiency to a whole new level.
    • Anti-Static: Static (electric charge) is an unwanted phenomenon, which occurs across many levels or air humidity. This often occurs in plastic products in the packaging industry, for example. By using migrating molecules that draw water molecules from the air, Tosaf’s antistatic additives for plastics solve the static problem, and fit a wide range of humidity levels.
    • UV: UV additives for plastics protect polymers from the harmful effect of ultraviolet radiation, which can hurt product appearance, texture and even performance. Tosaf’s UV additives are uniquely designed for specific polymers and plastics, and are approved for use across the industry spectrum, including the food packaging industry.
    • Microbial: Microbial additives for plastics are in high demand, and Tosaf’s R&D team has developed a unique additive that is designated for incorporation in mask and disposable medical products. These additives are especially important today, as the COVID-19 pandemic has medical teams working harder than ever.

    Do Additives for Plastic have to Adhere to Regulations?

    Of course. The manufacturing of additives is closely monitored and regulated globally, and every industry has its own standards and regulations. All of Tosaf’s plastic additives adhere to strict regulations. Additionally, Tosaf’s teams provide clients with consultation and information regarding the regulations that exist in their specific industries, in order to ensure that their additives always comply.

    Is using an additive cost-effective?

    Yes. The process in which an additive is added to the polymer is less costly than purchasing raw polymer already possessing has certain qualities. It also provides plastic product manufacturers with more flexibility.

    Which industries benefit from Tosaf’s additives for plastic service?

    Great question. Let’s give a few examples. The automotive industry benefits from our flame retardants for under the hood applications, UV stabilizers for interiors and exteriors, and anti-static additive for interiors. The agriculture industry enjoys our anti-fog and anti-block additives for greenhouse films and UV stabilizers for tarpaulin applications.

    The building & construction industry uses Tosaf’s flame retardants for construction films and XPS sheets, among many others. The packaging industry uses our anti-fog additives for refrigerated food and slip additives for caps & closures. Tosaf also services the home, sport & leisure industry, with flame retardants for home appliances and UV stabilizers for outdoor furniture.

    We are also very active in the textiles & fiber industry, as we integrate flame retardants and anti-slip for raffia, anti-fog solutions, and more. Let’s not forget the electric & electronic industry, which utilizes flame retardants and stabilizers for a wide range of applications. And the list goes on and on.

    What else makes Tosaf unique as an additive manufacturer?

    We are more than manufacturers. We’re listeners and problem solvers. Our teams meets and brainstorms with your team to understand your product and your goals, in order to secure the optimal solution for your needs. Your needs are our top priority, and we’ll make sure that you receive the additives that will provide your products with the highest value.

    Aren’t sure which additives are right for your products? Want to consult with a leading manufacturer of additives for plastic? Please contact the Tosaf team, who are standing by to provide you with more information. Contact us today, and let’s start a conversation.

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