Tosaf Color Service

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    Home, Sport & Leisure

    Artificial Turf

    For grass that’s always greener

    The growing trend of building covered sports stadiums has led to an increased demand for artificial turf. Artificial turf does not need sunlight or watering, and is more durable to the effects of sports players running over it than natural grass, making it ideal for the large spaces and heavy use of the sports ground. But this demanding application requires grass fibers with excellent mechanical properties, good UV stability and consistent color.


    Color consistency

    Artificial turf is mainly produced for use in large stadiums. Color consistency is of great importance, because patches of different colors will be highly visible when viewed from the tiered seating. Tosaf produces highly accurate colors with very high consistency from batch to batch.

    Long-term UV resistance

    Colors used in artificial turf need to be resistant to UV light for the entire life expectancy of the turf tapes. Our masterbatches provide the required long-term UV resistance.


    Our Solutions


    Color & UV Combi

    Designed specifically for use in the production of artificial turf, our color and UV combi masterbatch gives excellent UV stability, good processability and batch-to-batch color consistency.


    • Custom-designed for artificial turf

    • Highly accurate colors with very high consistency from batch to batch

    • Provides long-term UV resistance

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